Jen-Shuo Chen
Data Portfolio

I love solving problems using Python, Tableau, SQL, and ML models!
@Kaggle Profile

Instagram Posts analysis

This project involves analyzing 441 posts from the past three years on the Film Music Composing course Instagram account, @FILMMUSIC101 The aim is to identify the types of posts (Unicorns) that perform the best in terms of engagement and effectiveness. And then repeat the unicorn patterns.
Tools: Python, Random Forest Regressor

Tableau Project-
Newsletter Performance

The Tableau Dashboard showcases the performance metrics of 113 newsletters distributed by Film Music 101 over the past three years. Metrics such as open rate, click rate, hesitation to buy, countries, newsletter types, and time periods are utilized to provide insights into the effectiveness of the newsletters.
Tools: Tableau Public

Google Analytics Project-

This project involves analyzing the dataset from Cyclistic, a virtual bike-share company in Chicago. Our objective is to uncover insights that will assist in converting more casual customers into annual subscribers, ultimately driving up the company's revenue.
Tools: Excel, SQL, Tableau

